I am new to Pixi.js. I have tried to recreate the examples to learn this. But i have an error when i try to recreate the normalMapFilter example. I have no problem when i use the same version of the demo (1.4) But in my project i use the latest version (2.2.3) and then i have errors. I get a lot of warnings and a blank canvas. Errors look like this pixi.dev.js:5829 Could not initialise shaderspixi.dev.js:5928 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: useProgram: program not validpixi.dev.js:5931 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: getUniformLocation: program not linkedI have correctly included the files <script src="js/pixi.dev.js"></script><script src="js/vendor/pixi/filters/NormalMapFilter.js"></script>And i use the same code of the demo $(document).ready(function() { var viewWidth = 1920; var viewHeight = 1080; var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(viewWidth, viewHeight); $(renderer.view).addClass('pixi').appendTo('body'); var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0xFFFFFF); var texture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage("img/texture_norm.jpg"); var filter = new PIXI.NormalMapFilter(texture); var sprite = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage("img/texture.jpg"); sprite.filters = [filter]; stage.addChild(sprite); requestAnimationFrame(animate); function animate() { var mouse = stage.interactionManager.mouse; if( mouse.global.x < 0) mouse.global.x = 0; else if( mouse.global.x > viewWidth) mouse.global.x = viewWidth; if( mouse.global.y < 0) mouse.global.y = 0; else if( mouse.global.y > viewHeight) mouse.global.y = viewHeight; filter.uniforms.LightPos.value[0] = mouse.global.x; filter.uniforms.LightPos.value[1] = mouse.global.y; renderer.render(stage); requestAnimationFrame( animate ); }}); Am i missing something ?