I just signed up to say great work!. I've recently started using JS for work (MEAN STACK) so I am tempted to get back into my hobby of building an isometric game. My colleague told me about phaser.io so I was pretty impressed by it. I was going to implement some isometric stuff for it, when I had the time to do it, I've not even looked at the source code yet, but its nice someone has started making waves with isometric projection. I implemented isometric for Andengine (Using Titled maps!) with a few draw options (two of which come from the titled source) and I implemented the sorting from AS3Isolib. https://github.com/Niffy/AndEngine/tree/niffy-AnchorCenter https://github.com/Niffy/AndEngineTMXTiledMapExtension/tree/GLES2-AnchorCenter_isometric https://github.com/Niffy/IsometricWorldExample So in future I'm looking forward to being able to spend some time with phaser! And you sir made it one step closer to me